wftb思路网 >每日资讯 > 2024年天津外国语大学考研模拟试题及解析


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# 天津外国语大学考研模拟试题及解析

## 引言


## 天津外国语大学考研模拟题内容


## 天津外国语大学考研模拟题难吗


## 天津外国语大学考研模拟题及答案


### 英语模拟题及答案

1. 单项选择题:

- 下列句子中,哪个不是正确的时态?

A. I am going to the library tomorrow.

B. She will finish her homework by next Monday.

C. They will meet us at the airport on Sunday.

D. We are having a picnic in the park today.


- 阅读理解:


"The weather is getting colder and colder. The temperature has dropped below zero. The snow is falling heavily. The wind is blowing fiercely. It is time for me to go home."

The man was walking along the street when he heard a loud noise coming from the house. He ran quickly towards it. When he got there, he saw that the door was open. He pushed the door open and went inside. There was no one there. He looked around and saw that the house was empty.

The man then went outside and looked up at the sky. He saw that it was snowing heavily. He turned around and walked back to his house. As he walked, he noticed that the ground was covered with snow. He stopped and looked around. He saw that the trees were bare. He realized that it was time for him to go home.

The man then went outside and looked up at the sky. He saw that it was snowing heavily. He turned around and walked back to his house. As he walked, he noticed that the ground was covered with snow. He stopped and looked around. He saw that the trees were bare. He realized that it was time for him




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