# 2024年哈尔滨中考模拟题掌握核心知识点,迎接挑战!
## 引言
## 哈尔滨中考填空模拟题及答案
### 第一部分:语文
#### 1. 填空题(共15题)
- 1.1 《岳阳楼记》中的“_____,_______。”表达了作者对国家的忧虑之情。
- 1.2 “_____,_____。”是古代诗人李白在《望庐山瀑布》中赞美瀑布的诗句。
- 1.3 《桃花源记》中,渔人发现桃源后,他感叹:“_____,_____。”
- 1.4 “_____,_____。”是唐代诗人王之涣在《登鹳雀楼》中描绘的景象。
- 1.5 “_____,_____。”是宋代文学家苏轼在《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》中表达的情感。
- 1.6 “_____,_____。”是清代文学家蒲松龄在《聊斋志异》中描述的场景。
- 1.7 “_____,_____。”是明代文学家杨慎在《临江仙·滚滚长江东逝水》中抒发的情感。
- 1.8 “_____,_____。”是明代文学家杨慎在《临江仙·滚滚长江东逝水》中抒发的情感。
- 1.9 “_____,_____。”是宋代文学家苏轼在《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》中表达的情感。
- 1.10 “_____,_____。”是唐代诗人王之涣在《登鹳雀楼》中描绘的景象。
- 1.11 “_____,_____。”是宋代文学家苏轼在《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》中表达的情感。
- 1.12 “_____,_____。”是唐代诗人王之涣在《登鹳雀楼》中描绘的景象。
- 1.13 “_____,_____。”是宋代文学家苏轼在《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》中表达的情感。
- 1.14 “_____,_____。”是唐代诗人王之涣在《登鹳雀楼》中描绘的景象。
- 1.15 “_____,_____。”是宋代文学家苏轼在《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》中表达的情感。
### 第二部分:数学
#### 2. 填空题(共15题)
- 2.1 一个数加上它的一半等于三倍,这个数是多少?
- 2.2 一个数乘以它的一半再除以二等于五,这个数是多少?
- 2.3 一个数减去它的一半再乘以二等于九,这个数是多少?
- 2.4 一个数加上它的一半再平方等于七,这个数是多少?
- 2.5 一个数乘以它的一半再平方再除以三等于一,这个数是多少?
- 2.6 一个数减去它的一半再平方等于八,这个数是多少?
- 2.7 一个数加上它的一半再平方再除以四等于六,这个数是多少?
- 2.8 一个数乘以它的一半再平方再除以五等于十,这个数是多少?
- 2.9 一个数加上它的一半再平方再除以六等于十二,这个数是多少?
- 2.10 一个数乘以它的一半再平方再除以七等于十五,这个数是多少?
- 2.11 一个数加上它的一半再平方再除以八等于二十,这个数是多少?
- 2.12 一个数乘以它的一半再平方再除以九等于三十,这个数是多少?
- 2.13 一个数加上它的一半再平方再除以十等于四十,这个数是多少?
- 2.14 一个数乘以它的一半再平方再除以十一等于六十,这个数是多少?
- 2.15 一个数加上它的一半再平方再除以十二等于八十,这个数是多少?
### 第三部分:英语
#### 3. 填空题(共15题)
- 3.1 The ___ is the largest planet in our solar system.
- 3.2 The ___ is a popular sport in China.
- 3.3 The ___ is a popular food in Japan.
- 3.4 The ___ is the capital of France.
- 3.5 The ___ is a popular sport in Germany.
- 3.6 The ___ is a famous river in England.
- 3.7 The ___ is a popular dish in Italy.
- 3.8 The ___ is the largest island in the world.
- 3.9 The ___ is a popular sport in Brazil.
- 3.10 The ___ is a famous river in China.
- 3.11 The ___ is a popular sport in Spain.
- 3.12 The ___ is a famous river in India.
- 3.13 The ___ is a popular sport in Russia.
- 3.14 The ___ is a famous river in Canada.
- 3.15 The ___ is a popular sport in South Africa.
### 第四部分:物理
#### 4. 填空题(共15题)
- 4.1 The force that accelerates objects is called ___ force.
- 4.2 The speed of light travels at a constant ___.
- 4.3 The ___ of electricity is measured in volts.
- 4.4 The ___ of water is measured in pounds per square inch.
- 4.5 The ___ of gravity is equal to 9.8 meters per second squared.
- 4.6 The ___ of an object is its mass times its acceleration.
- 4.7 The ___ of a moving object is its velocity times its time.
- 4.8 The ___ of a magnet is its magnetic field strength.
- 4.9 The ___ of a charge is its electric charge multiplied by Coulombs per unit area.
- 4.10 The ___ of a resistor is its resistance times its current.
- 4.11 The ___ of a capacitor is its capacitance times its voltage.
- 4.12 The ___ of a battery is its voltage times its capacity.
- 4.13 The ___ of a circuit is the sum of all the voltages and currents in the circuit.
- 4.14 The ___ of a resistor is its resistance times its current.
- 4.15 The ___ of a capacitor is its capacitance times its voltage.
### 第五部分:化学
#### 5. 填空题(共15题)
- 5.1 Hydrogen is a ___ element with one electron in its outer shell.
- 5.2 Carbon dioxide is a ___ compound made up of two carbon atoms and four oxygen atoms.
- 5.3 Sodium is a ___ element with a chemical symbol Na.
- 5.4 Chlorine is a ___ element with a chemical symbol Cl.
- 5.5 Potassium is a ___ element with a chemical symbol K.
- 5.6 Magnesium is a ___ element with a chemical symbol Mg.
- 5.7 Silver is a ___ metal with a chemical symbol Ag.
- 5.8 Copper is a ___ metal with a chemical symbol Cu.
- 5.9 Iron is a ___ metal with a chemical symbol Fe.
- 5.10 Bromine is a ___ element with a chemical symbol Br.
- 5.11 Fluorine is a ___ element with a chemical symbol F.
- 5.12 Chlorine is a ___ element with a chemical symbol Cl.
- 5.13 Potassium is a ___ element with a chemical symbol K.
- 5.14 Magnesium is a ___ element with a chemical symbol Mg.
- 5.15 Silver is a ___ metal with a chemical symbol Ag.