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更新时间:2024-09-30 来源:每日资讯 点击:318次 投诉建议





1. 铅酸蓄电池(一般家用)

品牌 | 型号 | 容量(Ah) | 单价(元)


松下 | NF-B20S4 | 40 | 50

三星 | EB20830QW | 40 | 60

LG | AH18NS40H | 40 | 70

索尼 | CR20A50J | 40 | 80

丰田 | PHS20L4M-FZ20 | 40 | 90

本田 | HJ20B20L4H | 40 | 100

现代 | HND20L3M-MF20 | 40 | 110

大众 | FV20A15L4U | 40 | 120

奥迪 | AJE20C30L4U | 40 | 130

宝马 | BLF20R15L4U | 40 | 140

奔驰 | CFE20D65L4U | 40 | 150

福特 | HFD20L3M-FM20 | 40 | 160

雪佛兰 | HFD20L3M-FM20 | 40 | 160

别克 | HFD20L3M-FM20 | 40 | 160

凯迪拉克 | HFD20L3M-FM20 | 40 | 160

雷克萨斯 | HFD20L3M-FM20 | 40 | 160

马自达 | HFD20L3M-FM20 | 40 | 160

丰田普锐斯 | PRIUS D-45BHN3H-EVB25L (U1) (CHAdeMO) (DC/DC) (WLTP) - Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (Black) (Included in the Price)

本田飞度混合动力车(HEV)PRIUS C-HR EV (BEV) PRIUS D-45BHN3H-EVB25L (U1) (CHAdeMO) (DC/DC) (WLTP) - Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (Black) (Included in the Price)

日产LEAF (STD) LEAF-LCI "Blue" Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (White) (Included in the Price)

雪佛兰Volt "Red" Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (Black) (Included in the Price)

特斯拉Model S Long Range "Red" Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (Red) (Included in the Price)

沃尔沃XC90 T8 "Blue" Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (White) (Included in the Price)

奥迪A3 e-tron "Blue" Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (White) (Included in the Price)

奔驰EQC "Blue" Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (White) (Included in the Price)

宝马i3 "Blue" Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (White) (Included in the Price)

捷豹I-PACE "Blue" Battery Pack Set (Front and Rear) (White) (Included in the Price)



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